Prashanth | 11:26 AM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

KARTALKartal are a pair of wooden blocks or frames with small metal jingles mounted in them. They are simply beaten together to provide a rhythmic support to bhajans, kirtan, folk and other light music. The term kartal is also applied to wooden clavesIn...
Prashanth | 11:15 AM |
Carnatic Music
Hindustani Music
Indian Folk Music
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

JAL TARANGJal tarang is a set of china bowls that are filled with water. Each bowl is struck with a light wooden mallet to cause it to ring. Jal tarang is not very common and is normally found in the accompaniment of kathak dancers.The Jaltarang one...
Prashanth | 10:59 AM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

GHUNGHARU or PAAYALGhungharu are the "tinklebells" or "jingle bells" which are used to adorn the feet of dancers. When tied to the feet, they are played by the act of dancing. They may also be played by hand. This instrument evolved from the payal...
Prashanth | 10:45 AM |
Hindustani Music
Indian Folk Music
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments
GAYAKI - NORTH INDIAN VOCAL MUSICThe vocal tradition is especially strong in Indian music. It goes without saying that the song is probably the most ancient form of music. Vocal music occupies a considerable part of the Natya Shastra.One may argue...
Prashanth | 10:44 AM |
Carnatic Music
Hindustani Music
Indian Folk Music
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments
VADHYA SANGEET (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC)Instrumental music occupies an important position in Indian music. It is one of the threefold aspects of "sangeet" (vocal music, instrumental music, and dance), and has a very ancient history. Instrumental music is...
INDIAN FOLK MUSICIndia has a very rich tradition of folk music. The extreme cultural diversity creates endless varieties of folk styles. Each region has its own particular style.There is a tendency to lump folk music along with tribal music. There...
CARNATIC SANGEET- THE SOUTH INDIAN SYSTEM OF MUSICINTRODUCTIONCarnatic sangeet, (Karnatik Sangit) is the south Indian system of music. It has a rich history and a very sophisticated theoretical system. The performers and composers have, gained a world...
HINDUSTANI SANGEET- THE NORTH INDIAN SYSTEM OF MUSICThe north Indian system of music is known as Hindustani Sangeet or sometimes Hindusthani Sangit. It covers an area that extends roughly from Bangladesh through northern and central India into Pakistan...
Prashanth | 10:34 AM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

INDIAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSThere are many musical instruments in India. Some instruments are used primarily in north Indian music (Hindustani sangeet), some are used in the south Indian music (Carnatic sangeet), while others are found in folk music....
Prashanth | 10:23 AM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

SARASWATI VINASaraswati vina (Saraswathi veena) is the instrument associated with Saraswati, the goddess of learning and the arts. This instrument is common in south India and is an important instrument in carnatic sangeet. It is variously called simply...
Mohiniattam-The dance of the enchantress
Prashanth | 10:17 AM |

Mohiniattam-The dance of the enchantress This Indian classical dance form - Mohiniattam - comes from one of the South states of India, Kerala. And the mere mention of Kerala brings up in one’s mind the wondrous and incomparable beauty of its landscape...
Prashanth | 6:16 PM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments

GHATAMGhatam is nothing more than a large clay pot. It is very commonly played in South Indian classical performances. There are two actions of resonance. The primary one is the ringing of the pot caused by striking. A very low resonance is also...

CHIMPTA (CHIMTA)(MUSICAL FIRE TONGS)The chimpta is actually a fire tong. However, it has evolved into a musical instrument by the permanent addition of small brass jingles. This instrument is especially popular in Punjabi folk music and the Sikh religious...
Prashanth | 6:08 PM |
Indian Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments
INDIAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSThere are many musical instruments in India. Some instruments are used primarily in north Indian music (Hindustani sangeet), some are used in the south Indian music (Carnatic sangeet), while others are found in folk music....
Jalandhara Bandha - Net-Bearer Bond
Prashanth | 11:02 AM |

Jalandhara Bandha - Net-Bearer Bond(jah-lahn-DHA-rah bahn-dah)jala = net (for catching birds or fish)dhara = bearing, supportingbandha = bondStep by Step1) Sit in a comfortable pose.2) Firm your shoulder blades against your back torso to lift your sternum....
Svara Yoga Pranayama- Yoga of Sound Breath
Prashanth | 10:59 AM |

Svara Yoga Pranayama- Yoga of Sound Breath(s-VAR-ah)svara = sound, air breathed through the nostrilsStep by Step1) Traditionally the five "elements" that make up our body-mind (and the entire material universe)-earth, water, fire, air, "ether"-are each...
Kapalabhati Pranayama- Skull Brightener Breath
Prashanth | 10:57 AM |

Kapalabhati Pranayama- Skull Brightener Breath(kah-pah-lah-BAH-tee)kapala = skullbhati = light (implying perception, knowledge)Step by StepKapalabhati consists of alternating short, explosive exhales and slightly longer, passive inhales. Exhales are...
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