
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Vayu Mudra of Wind

Vayu Mudra of Wind
With each hand bend the index finger so that its tip touches the ball of the thumb. Then press the thumb lightly onto the index finger. Extend the other fingers in a relaxed way.

For chronic complaints, do this mudra three times daily for 15 minutes; otherwise, use it until it has an effect. This position prevents "wind" (meaning flatulence), and a sensation of fullness, in all parts of the body. Ayurvedic medicine assumes that there are 51 types of wind in the body that produce numerous disorders.

These include gout, sciatica, flatulence, rheumatism, and trembling in the hands, throat, and head. If you use the Vayu Mudra within 24 hours after an outbreak of a disorder or disease caused by wind, you can very quickly count on improvement. For chronic complaints, the Pran Mudra (Number 6) on page 70 should be practiced. The Vayu Mudra must be discontinued as soon as the disease disappears.

Too much wind in the body can be caused by inner waste substances, particularly in the intestines, or inner tensions that are in turn based on states of agitation. Frequently, the normal breathing rhythm (which is different for each individual) is also disrupted. As an additional measure, the "stomach contractor" can also be practiced.

To do this, assume the "cat posture." Inhale and lift your head some what; exhale and lower your head again while vigorously pulling in the abdominal wall at the same time. During the pause in breathing, pull in the abdominal wall and let go of it several times. Then inhale deeply again; raise your head again. Repeat the whole exercise a number of times. In addition, the following visualization can help against tensions and states of agitation.


Surabhi Mudra of COW

Surabhi Mudra of COW
The little finger of your left hand touches the ring finger of your right hand. The little finger of your right hand touches the ring finger of your left hand. At the same time, the middle fingers of both hands touch the index fingers of the other. The thumbs remain extended. Do three times a day for 15 minutes.

The Surabhi Mudra is very effective against rheumatism and arthrosis. Since these diseases are usually chronic, or at least have existed within the person long before any outbreak or pain is perceived, this mudra must also be practiced for a longer period of time.

At first, mainly concentrate on your exhalation and imagine how a dark cloud leaves your body each time you exhale. This cloud contains your spent energy, all the waste substances, and every pain. Most importantly, it also contains all your negative thoughts and feelings. After about 20 breaths, also pay attention to your inhalation, and imagine each time that you are absorbing light, which makes your entire body shine. Gradually let the cloud that you exhale become lighter and lighter. In conclusion, let yourself be filled with the brightest light and surrounded by a cloak of light that radiates far out into your environment.

Purifying light fills me and burns away everything that oppresses and hurts me. From the bottom of my heart, I seek cleanliness in my body, clarity in my mind, and purity in my soul.

Complete Chart of Mudras- Mudras detailed chart

Complete Chart of Mudras- Mudras detailed chart

Complete Chart of Yoga Mudras

Shankh Mudra of shell

Shankh Mudra of shell
Encircle the your thumb with the four fingers of your right hand. At the same time, touch the right thumb to the extended middle finger of your left hand. Together, the two hands look like a conch shell. Hold your hands in front of your sternum. Do this as often and as long as you want. Or use it three times daily for 15 minutes as a course of treatment. When you want to practice this mudra, you can first sing "OM" several times. Then listen within yourself, to the silence, for several minutes afterward. This mudra is used during rituals in many Hindu temples. There, the conch horn is blown in the morning to announce the opening of the temple doors. The same applies to our inner temple, in which the divine light shines—it should also be opened.

The Shell or Shankh Mudra drives away every kind of problem in the throat. If you practice it regularly, especially if you sing "OM" as you do it, you can improve your voice. It also has a very calming effect and leads to collection in silence.


Apan Mudra - mudra of Energy

Apan Mudra - mudra of Energy

With each hand: Place the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together—extend the other fingers. When needed, do for 5 to 45 minutes or use three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.

This mudra supports the removal of waste materials and toxins from the body, as well as eliminating urinary problems, according to Keshav Dev. The Apan Mudra also stimulates the wood element, which is associated with the energy of the liver and gallbladder .

This element also contains the power and pleasure of springtime, of new beginnings, of tackling and shaping visions of the future. In addition, the Apan Mudra has a balancing effect on the mind, which is largely dependent upon a well-functioning liver. It gives us patience, serenity, confidence, inner balance, and harmony. In the mental realm, it creates the ability to develop vision. You need all of this when you look into the future, while facing new challenges, and if your wishes are to be fulfilled.

Linga Mudra

Linga Mudra

Upright Mudra or Linga Mudra
Place both palms together and clasp your fingers. One thumb should remain upright; encircle it with the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Do as needed or three times a day for 15 minutes. This finger position increases the powers of resistance against coughs, colds, and chest infections. It also loosens mucus that has collected in the lungs. In addition, it is very useful for people who suffer from respiratory complaints when the weather changes. It also increases the body temperature and is particularly suited for people who don't develop a fever that is high enough. Fever is important because many bacteria within the body can only be killed when it reaches a certain temperature. The Linga Mudra can, according to Keshav Dev, also help reduce weight. However, for this purpose it must be done with particular care three times a day for 15 minutes. Also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and mainly eat cooling foods, such as yogurt, rice, bananas, and citrus fruits. If the Linga Mudra is done too long, a feeling of sluggishness and lethargy may occur. This is a sign that you should shorten the length of this exercise and consume more cooling foods and drinks. In order to stimulate your immune system and increase body temperature, you can practice the following exercise before doing the Linga Mudra. It is appropriately called "Throwing the Illness Behind You."

Then rio the Linga Mudra while sitting or lying down until you feel very hot.

Basic position: Stand up; legs are slightly spread, knees bent somewhat, and hands are in front of the chest.

Inhalation: Throw your arms behind you, turn your head to the right, and look over your shoulder.

Exhalation: Return your hands to your chest and turn your head to the front.

Repeat at least ten times.

Imagine a fire within your body that burns the bacteria, waste, and unnecessary ballast.


Pran Mudra

Pran Mudra

With each hand: Place the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. The other fingers remain extended. As needed, use for 5 to 30 minutes. Or, as a course of treatment, do three times a day for 15 minutes.

The Pran Mudra activates the root chakra , in which the elemental force of a human being is found. I like to compare this place with a fire that is either ablaze or just glows quietly. How brightly the fire burns depends on how well we tend it. This finger position stimulates the nourishing energy in the pelvic floor. The Pran Mudra generally increases vitality, reduces fatigue and nervousness, and improves vision. It is also used against eye diseases. On the mental-emotional level, it increases our staying power and assertiveness, healthy self-confidence, gives us the courage to start something new, and the strength to see things through. Clear eyes are also a sign of a mental outlook emphasizing clarity and a clear mind, which means clearly structured thoughts and ideas.

According to Kim da Silva, when you do the Pran Mudra you can also put your thumb onto the fingernails of the other two fingers instead of on their tips. This has the effect of causing both the right and left brain hemispheres to function equally, become active, and mutually complement each other, which is very important for holistic health.

Asthma Mudra

Asthma Mudra

Both hands: Press together the fingernails of the middle fingers and keep other fingers extended. In case of an acute asthma attack, first do the Bronchial Mudra (Number 4) for 4 to 6 minutes. Then use this Asthma Mudra until the breathing calms down. For long-term treatment, use these two mudras five times every day for 5 minutes.

Unfortunately, I am not one of those fortunate people who once had asthma but got rid of it through a radical cure with medication and never felt anything again. Many members of my family on my father's side had asthma, so it is a "dear" family heirloom. But despite this, I live without any medication because I follow certain rules of behavior. My tips are sure to help asthma patients, which is why I'm passing them on here:

During cold weather, never breathe through your mouth because the bronchial tubes will become inflamed and congested. Try not to be in a hurry because every incidence of stress activates the adrenal glands. Adrenaline promotes the congestion and constriction of the bronchial tubes. Eat a light diet with little meat; meat once a week is enough.

No milk products, tomatoes, hot peppers, or kiwi. No smoking should be obvious.

• Don't take medications that weaken the immune system, such as antibiotics.
• Get enough fresh air by taking long walks. Do yoga or gymnastics every week and get enough rest.

Most people who suffer from breathing difficulties are familiar with inner loneliness (too much detachment from the surrounding world) and/or cannot set boundaries. Consequently, they feel themselves plagued by other people's duties and problems (too little detachment).

Bronchial Mudra - respiratory problems

Both hands: Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the upper thumb joint, and the middle finger on the pad of the thumb. Extend the index finger. For an acute attack of asthma, first use this mudra from 4 to 6 minutes and then practice the Asthma Mudra (Number 5) until breathing has become normal again. For a long-term treatment, hold both mudras for 5 minutes, five times a day.

People with respiratory problems often also suffer from inner loneliness, isolation, sexual problems, and sadness. To the outside world, these feelings are often successfully played down with humor. Or these individuals bind themselves to others by taking on their duties and concerns. This naturally causes a great deal of stress so that these individuals are pressed for time and out of breath. Since I am all too familiar with such problems, I can perhaps advise you how to get out of this dilemma. It is important to admit your negative feelings and moods for once and take a good look at them. Be aware that even these feelings are like waves on the surface of the water—they arise and then pass on. The reason for such feelings is often a general weakness that is caused by shallow breathing since improper respiration doesn't build up the inner reservoir of strength. When it is reduced, weakness occurs not only on the physical level but also in the mental-emotional area. Fear, sadness, discontentment, exaggerated sensitivity, etc., are the consequences.

Pushan Mudra

Pushan Mudra

Dedicated to the sun god, Pushan, also the god of nourishment

V E R S I O N 1:
Right hand: The tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended. Left hand: The tips of the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended. This mudra symbolizes accepting and receiving with the gesture of one hand and letting things flow, giving, and letting go with the gesture of the other. Both should be coordinated with each other in digestion. It influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorbing and utilizing food, as well as helping with elimination. It intensifies breathing and therefore the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs. It has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus (the area of the stomach, liver, spleen, and gallbladder), regulates energies in the autonomic nervous system, mobilizes energies of elimination, and detoxifies. It has an excellent effect on general or acute nausea, seasickness, flatulence, and that sensation of fullness one feels after meals.

V E R S I O N 2:
Right hand: The tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger are on top 0f each other, the other fingers are extended. Left hand: Same as Version 1. Connecting the energies of the thumb,ring finger, and little finger activates the lower digestive process and the elimination process. This mudra can be called the general energy pump. It stimulates the functions of the brain, a fact that has also been proved scientifically. The finger position of the right hand activates energy in the pelvic floor, like a smoldering fire that has been stoked. With the finger position of the left hand, the kindled energy is directed upward. Every organ, the general good, and thinking (concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm, etc.) are positively influenced as a result.
These two mudras can be used as immediate help or practiced four times a day for 5 minutes in the case of chronic complaints.

During inhalation, take in energy in the form of light. During the pause in breathing, give it the time and space it needs to spread within you and become transformed. During exhalation, let the expended energy flow back out of you. With every breath, there is more light and clarity in your physical and mental-emotional realms.


Ushas Mudra

Ushas Mudra

Break of day—origin of all good things

Clasp your fingers so your right thumb lies above the left. The right thumb presses slightly on
the left thumb. Important: Women should place the right thumb between the
left thumb and index finger, pressing on it with the left thumb. Do this every day for 5 to 15 minutes. Hold this mudra until the desired effect occurs. No matter how old we are, there are times of change: new beginnings come repeatedly in life. The second chakra, our center of sexuality and creativity, always contains something new, a secret that wants to be aired. This mudra concentrates the sexual energy of our second chakra and directs it into the energy centers above it. It gives us mental alertness, pleasure, and new impulses. In addition, it harmonizes our hormonal system. The Ushas Mudra helps us wake up in the morning. When you are still sleepy and lying in bed, place your clasped hands at the back of your head. Now inhale vigorously and deeply several times; open your eyes and mouth widely; press your elbows back into the pillow. While exhaling, let go of every tension. Repeat 6 times. If this still doesn't make you feel alert and fresh, then rub your ankle bones together, as well as the palms of your hands, as if you were trying to ignite a flintstone. Finally, you can also extend your arms and stretch vigorously.

In your imagination, see yourself sitting in a good place where you can enjoy the sunrise. The sun slowly rises, and you let the colors red, orange, and yellow have their effect on you for a long time. These colors awaken and improve your mood. Now imagine yourself as a person who is full of youthful strength and new impulses, as someone who enjoys life, a person who goes out into the world with love, and richly blesses it with a sincere smile, good deeds, and beautiful things.


Ganesh Mudra

Ganesh Mudra
The elephant; Ganesha, the
deity who overcomes all obstacles Method of practice:

Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. Bend the fingers. Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, which has its back facing outward. Move the hands to the level of the heart, right in front of the chest. While exhaling, vigorously pull the hands apart without releasing the grip. This will tense the muscles of the upper arms and chest area. While inhaling, let go of all the tension. Repeat 6 times and then lovingly place both hands on the sternum in this position. Focus on the feeling in this part of your body. Then change the hand position: your right palm now faces outward. Repeat the exercise 6 times in this position. Afterward, remain in silence for a while. Once a day is enough.
VARIATION: Repeat the same exercise, but this time keep the lower arms diagonal instead of horizontal: one elbow points upward at a slant and the other elbow points downward at a slant. This mudra stimulates heart activity, strengthens heart muscles, opens the bronchial tubes, and releases any type of tension in this area. It opens the fourth chakra and gives us courage, confidence, and openness toward other human beings. Since the Ganesha Mudra activates the fire element which reacts positively to the color red, the following visualizations support activity of the heart and circulation. It encourages us to encounter our fellow human beings with an open and friendly heart. Visualize the color red—a mosaic, a mandala, or a carpet in various tones of red. Now focus all of your senses on it for a while. Red should strengthen, warm, and widen your heart, giving you the courage to be open and confident.

Little Finger Energy

Meditation 5: Little Finger Energy

The second chakra, which is the energetic center of sexuality, is associated with the little finger. It deals with interpersonal relationships in general, as well as partnership in particular. This classification of sexuality corresponds with Hatha Yoga. (In Buddhism, sexuality is associated with the ring finger.) It also contains the ability to communicate. Since the Chinese healing practitioners found the heart meridian to be in this finger, this confirms the yogis' thesis relating the water element to it (water symbolizes the realm of the emotions). Joyful, fulfilling relationships not only warm the heart, but also nourish and strengthen it. And, in turn, strong heart energy gives us the ability to be happy. It gives us sublime feelings and improves our mood. Our mood, which is always the sum of present feelings, can be compared with the waves on the surface of a lake. They are rhythmically harmonious or vehement; the water is clear and clean, or shallow, heavy, dark and dirty.

Sit or lie down. Now encircle your left little finger with the four fingers of your right hand, with your right thumb extending to the middle of your left hand. Close your eyes. In your mind's eye, you are sitting by the sea and observing the waves—they come toward you, and roll back out and disappear. The same applies to your feelings, moods, and also to your relationships with others. Giving and receiving love is also subject to this law. Be aware that you only receive as much love as you can unconditionally give. This doesn't even have to mean great deeds. A friendly, warm heart for fellow human beings, animals, plants, water, air, and earth are entirely enough. Imagine someone (someone specific or in general) happy and encourage him or her, if necessary. Believe in this individual's abilities and good heart. Imagine entire scenes in which this person is cheerful and smiling happily. If you have no one close to you, then do this little exercise—perhaps while riding the bus, train, or streetcar—in relation to a stranger. I guarantee that you will experience wonders if you keep this up for several days or weeks. The time will come when your heart will overflow with joy. But the most important thing is: don't expect anything at all for the time being. Radiate your goodwill and your love unconditionally. Just have some patience until the seeds sprout. Continue holding your little finger for a while and feel the flowing warmth. Then encircle your right little finger and hold it for the same amount of time.


Ring Finger Energy

Meditation 4: Ring Finger Energy

The ring finger is associated with Apollo, the sun god, and the root chakra, which rules the pelvic floor. This force gives stamina, staying power, and the power to be assertive. The Chinese have classified this finger with the deep meridian of the liver. The power of the liver gives a person patience, serenity, hope, and vision for the future. The "triple warmer" also begins in the tip of the ring finger. This meridian rules all protective functions in the body and is responsible for body temperature, which in turn regulates cell function. If it works in an optimal manner, it gives the ability to maintain our equilibrium in stressful situations, which is also the precondition for a well-functioning immune system. The force that dominates this finger provides stability, is penetrating, and strives upward.

Sit or lie down. Now encircle your left ring finger with the four fingers of your right hand, with the right thumb extending to the middle of your left hand. Close your eyes. Imagine bare earth and crushed rock in all its forms—as deserts, mountains, and islands. What happens when masses of earth begin to move? When the earth dries out? When the earth is completely exposed to the sun? Now imagine fertile earth. Slowly let the vegetation be created—little plants, big plants, much green. Now focus on one single seed resting deep within the earth. With every breath, something moves inside until the seed bursts and a shoot stretches in the direction of the light. At the same time, it sprouts roots deep into the earth. It becomes a tree that grows very slowly. You wait patiently and watch how the plant develops into its full size. Time has no significance. Only the constant growth counts. The tree blooms anew every year, and bears fruit. Like the tree, we also do not know why this is. Like the tree, we want to give ourselves completely to life, and know this has its purpose, even if we will probably never be able to completely fathom the great mystery. As the tree changes every year, our inner development also continues. We decisively influence whether it is joyful or sorrowful. Keep holding your finger for a while and feel the flowing warmth. Then encircle your right ring finger and hold it for the same amount of time.


Middle Finger Energy

Meditation 3: Middle Finger Energy

Hindus call this finger the heavenly finger and classify it with the throat chakra. Take a look at it. It is the longest finger, and towers over the others. Its energy radiates far into infinity. It could also be considered the stairway to Heaven. Saturn, which is classified with it, is located toward the edge of our solar system and is also called the "keeper of the threshold." We are held accountable for our lives at the gates of Heaven. We also find this symbolism in the throat chakra, the gateway of purity, which only nens when the student is pure in spirit and in heart. However, in order to ogress on our spiritual path, we must first fulfill our duties on Earth. This is indicated by its inherent meridians: the circulation meridian and the deep meridian of the gallbladder. Both help us seize and master the challenges of life. Drive, activity, risk, and the joy of taking action are their dualities. The spectrum of the middle-finger energy ranges from an active life to spheres far into the world beyond. It could be briefly summarized with the following saying, "God helps those who help themselves."

Exercise Sit or lie down. Now encircle your right middle finger with the four fingers of your left hand. The left thumb extends to the middle of your right hand. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself doing what you like to do most. Make full use of your inclinations and talents as you master all the obstacles placed in your path, and enjoy your activities. You are successful at what you do and mentally envision what your success looks like. What you do enriches the world (your family, individual human beings, or the entire world). Extensively imagine the constant contact with the divine forces that help you and show you the way. If your occupation does not satisfy you and if you have no leisure activities or interests that suit you, then it is time to ask within, to press your inner wisdom until you receive an answer. At the same time, also askfor the initiative, which the middle finger symbolizes, to actually tackle the matter at hand. And, above all, request help from the divine powers—enter into a close, trusting partnership with them. Keep holding your finger in silence for a while and feel the warmth flowing into you. Then encircle your left middle finger and hold it for a while.

These hand positions also have an excellent effect on tension in the neck.


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