GLOSSARY OF TERMS "L" - An Indian Art.
Prashanth | 5:22 PM |
General Info
ladi - A type of laggi.
ladi kaida - A kaida created by having a ladi follow a strict kaida format.
laggi - A fast lively style of playing, similar to rela, used in light styles of playing, particularly with bhajans, thumris, gazal, etc.
laggi kaida - A laggi constructed upon a strict kaida structure.
laghu - An archaic unit of time equal to two drut.
laghushekhar tal - An obscure tal of five or seven beats.
lahara - A simple, repetitive melody used to accompany tabla solos and kathak dance. Sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as naghma.
lakadi - (Lit. wood) The wooden shell of the tabla.
lakhnowi baj - The style of playing originating from Lucknow.
lakshan geet - A style of singing where the lyrics are a description of the rag.
Lakshmi - Goddess of wealth.
lakshmi tal - An obscure tal of 18 or 36 beats.
lalkila paran - A type of dohatthu which is inspired from nagada.
langalul tal - An obscure tal of 14 beats.
lav - 1) Maidan, sur, the part of the tabla's playing surface between the chat (kinar) and the syahi. 2) An archaic unit unit of time said to be equal to eight kshan.
lavani tal - An eight beat tal.
lay - Tempo.
layakari - 1) The relationship between the performed pulse of a composition and the theoretical beat. 2) Complex divisions of the beat.
lilawati tal - An obscure tal of 13 beats.
lokmata tal - An obscure tal of 19 beats.
lom-vilom - A novel structure which is composed of two parts. The first part being a mirror image of the second. Therefore, the composition is the same whether it is read backwards or forwards.
lucknow - 1) A city in northern India. 2) The gharana from this area.
ladi - A type of laggi.
ladi kaida - A kaida created by having a ladi follow a strict kaida format.
laggi - A fast lively style of playing, similar to rela, used in light styles of playing, particularly with bhajans, thumris, gazal, etc.
laggi kaida - A laggi constructed upon a strict kaida structure.
laghu - An archaic unit of time equal to two drut.
laghushekhar tal - An obscure tal of five or seven beats.
lahara - A simple, repetitive melody used to accompany tabla solos and kathak dance. Sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as naghma.
lakadi - (Lit. wood) The wooden shell of the tabla.
lakhnowi baj - The style of playing originating from Lucknow.
lakshan geet - A style of singing where the lyrics are a description of the rag.
Lakshmi - Goddess of wealth.
lakshmi tal - An obscure tal of 18 or 36 beats.
lalkila paran - A type of dohatthu which is inspired from nagada.
langalul tal - An obscure tal of 14 beats.
lav - 1) Maidan, sur, the part of the tabla's playing surface between the chat (kinar) and the syahi. 2) An archaic unit unit of time said to be equal to eight kshan.
lavani tal - An eight beat tal.
lay - Tempo.
layakari - 1) The relationship between the performed pulse of a composition and the theoretical beat. 2) Complex divisions of the beat.
lilawati tal - An obscure tal of 13 beats.
lokmata tal - An obscure tal of 19 beats.
lom-vilom - A novel structure which is composed of two parts. The first part being a mirror image of the second. Therefore, the composition is the same whether it is read backwards or forwards.
lucknow - 1) A city in northern India. 2) The gharana from this area.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS "K" - An Indian Art.
Prashanth | 5:21 PM |
General Info
ka - A tabla bol of the left hand.
kaal - See kal.
Kabir - A great saint who composed many bhajans.
kaherava tal - A common eight-beat tal.
kaida - A highly formalized approach to a tabla solo.
kaida peshkar - A peshkar whose variations adhere strictly to the kaida format.
kaida rela - A rela performed to a strict kaida format.
kaidafarodast tal - An obscure tal in 19 beats.
kakapad - An archaic unit of time equal to four laghu.
kal - 1) The entire concept of time and musical timing. 2) One of the 10 vital airs of tal (Das Pran), which deals with absolute time.
kala - 1) Art. 2) An archaic unit of time roughly comparable to a minute.
kalanidhi tal - An obscure tal in 25 beats.
kalavati tal - An unusual tal of 9 1/2 beats.
kamali paran - A paran which is constructed in a highly unusual yet fascinating manner.
kan - See kshan.
kandarp tal - A rare tal of 24 beats.
kanjira - A small south Indian tambourine.
Kannada - A language of southern India.
kapalbhrat tal - A very rare tal of 10 beats.
karalmanch tal - An old and obscure tal of five or 10 beats.
karnatic sangeet - See carnatic sangeet.
kartal - Wooden frames in which small jingles are placed. A simple clapper.
kashth - (Lit. "wood") An archaic unit of time = to eight lav.
kashttarang - A wooden xylophone, or marimba.
kat - A tabla bol.
kathak - A north Indian style of classical dance.
kathakali - A dance form of the south Indian state of Kerala.
kaushik tal - A rare tal in 18 beats.
kawali - A style of Islamic devotional song.
kawali tal - A tal of eight beats similar to kaherava.
kdan or - A powerful bol of both pakhawaj and tabla.
ke - A tabla bol of the left hand.
keherava - See kaherava.
kerva tal - See kaherava, a common eight beat tal.
khali - (Lit. "empty") Waved, opposite of bhari or tali.
khalifa - The oldest and most respected representative of a gharana.
khamsa tal - A rare tal in eight beats.
khand jati - Any rhythm based upon 2 1/2, 5, 10, etc. beats.
khandapurna tal - A rare tal in 16 beats.
khayal - See kheyal.
khemta tal - A fairly common yet amorphous tal variously described as six or 12 beats.
kheyal - The most prominent style of classical vocal today.
kheyal tal - See chang tal.
khol - A folk drum of northeast India.
khula - (Lit. "open") Resonant strokes such as Ga, Thun, etc.
khula baj - (Lit. "open style") A style of tabla playing where the hands do not remain in contact with the drums, characteristic of the lucknowi style.
khuli - See bhari.
khyal - See kheyal.
ki or - A tabla bol of the left hand.
kinar - (Lit. "edge") The chat.
kirtan - A Hindu religious song or recitation.
kisma - A term used by Benares tabla players to indicate a rearangment of the bols of theka (i.e., prakar).
kisme - Plural of kisma.
kokil tal - An obscure seven-beat tal similar to tivra tal.
kokila tal - A obscure pakhawaj tal variously described as seven or 17 beats.
komal - A note which is flattened.
krantan - An ornament of sitar or sarod produced by hammering with the left hand against the fret or fingerboard.
krishna tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal in 20 beats.
kriya - An old and obsolete term describing the manner of keeping time with the hands.
krushya - (Archaic) A style of silent timekeeping (deshi nishabd kriya).
kshan - An archaic unit of time, an instant, a tiny fraction of a second.
kuadi lay - In a four unit time, one plays five units. See also sawai.
kuchipudi - A classical dance form of the south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
kumbh tal - An obscure tal in 11 beats.
kundal - The small ring at the bottom side of the tabla used for the lacing.
kuri - The shell of the bayan.
kusumaker tal - An obscure tal in 27 beats.
ka - A tabla bol of the left hand.
kaal - See kal.
Kabir - A great saint who composed many bhajans.
kaherava tal - A common eight-beat tal.
kaida - A highly formalized approach to a tabla solo.
kaida peshkar - A peshkar whose variations adhere strictly to the kaida format.
kaida rela - A rela performed to a strict kaida format.
kaidafarodast tal - An obscure tal in 19 beats.
kakapad - An archaic unit of time equal to four laghu.
kal - 1) The entire concept of time and musical timing. 2) One of the 10 vital airs of tal (Das Pran), which deals with absolute time.
kala - 1) Art. 2) An archaic unit of time roughly comparable to a minute.
kalanidhi tal - An obscure tal in 25 beats.
kalavati tal - An unusual tal of 9 1/2 beats.
kamali paran - A paran which is constructed in a highly unusual yet fascinating manner.
kan - See kshan.
kandarp tal - A rare tal of 24 beats.
kanjira - A small south Indian tambourine.
Kannada - A language of southern India.
kapalbhrat tal - A very rare tal of 10 beats.
karalmanch tal - An old and obscure tal of five or 10 beats.
karnatic sangeet - See carnatic sangeet.
kartal - Wooden frames in which small jingles are placed. A simple clapper.
kashth - (Lit. "wood") An archaic unit of time = to eight lav.
kashttarang - A wooden xylophone, or marimba.
kat - A tabla bol.
kathak - A north Indian style of classical dance.
kathakali - A dance form of the south Indian state of Kerala.
kaushik tal - A rare tal in 18 beats.
kawali - A style of Islamic devotional song.
kawali tal - A tal of eight beats similar to kaherava.
kdan or - A powerful bol of both pakhawaj and tabla.
ke - A tabla bol of the left hand.
keherava - See kaherava.
kerva tal - See kaherava, a common eight beat tal.
khali - (Lit. "empty") Waved, opposite of bhari or tali.
khalifa - The oldest and most respected representative of a gharana.
khamsa tal - A rare tal in eight beats.
khand jati - Any rhythm based upon 2 1/2, 5, 10, etc. beats.
khandapurna tal - A rare tal in 16 beats.
khayal - See kheyal.
khemta tal - A fairly common yet amorphous tal variously described as six or 12 beats.
kheyal - The most prominent style of classical vocal today.
kheyal tal - See chang tal.
khol - A folk drum of northeast India.
khula - (Lit. "open") Resonant strokes such as Ga, Thun, etc.
khula baj - (Lit. "open style") A style of tabla playing where the hands do not remain in contact with the drums, characteristic of the lucknowi style.
khuli - See bhari.
khyal - See kheyal.
ki or - A tabla bol of the left hand.
kinar - (Lit. "edge") The chat.
kirtan - A Hindu religious song or recitation.
kisma - A term used by Benares tabla players to indicate a rearangment of the bols of theka (i.e., prakar).
kisme - Plural of kisma.
kokil tal - An obscure seven-beat tal similar to tivra tal.
kokila tal - A obscure pakhawaj tal variously described as seven or 17 beats.
komal - A note which is flattened.
krantan - An ornament of sitar or sarod produced by hammering with the left hand against the fret or fingerboard.
krishna tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal in 20 beats.
kriya - An old and obsolete term describing the manner of keeping time with the hands.
krushya - (Archaic) A style of silent timekeeping (deshi nishabd kriya).
kshan - An archaic unit of time, an instant, a tiny fraction of a second.
kuadi lay - In a four unit time, one plays five units. See also sawai.
kuchipudi - A classical dance form of the south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
kumbh tal - An obscure tal in 11 beats.
kundal - The small ring at the bottom side of the tabla used for the lacing.
kuri - The shell of the bayan.
kusumaker tal - An obscure tal in 27 beats.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS "J" - An Indian Art.
Prashanth | 5:21 PM |
General Info
jagadamba tal - An obscure 19 beat tal.
jagajhampa tal - An obscure 15 beat tal.
jagpal tal - An obscure 11 beat tal.
jaltarang - A set of bowls tuned by adding or removing water, hit with small wooden sticks.
jarab - See zarab.
jat tal - An obscure tal, variously considered to be 8, 12, or 16 beats.
jat dipchandi - See dipchandi.
jati - 1) A class of rhythm. 2) The number of notes present in a rag. 3) An ancient modal form of singing.
jayamangal tal - An obscure tal which some consider 13 beats while others consider 14 beats.
jhala - The fast rhythmic style of instrumental music characterized by a constant plucking of drone strings (chikari).
jhampa tal - An obscure tal variously considered to be 6, 7, 8, 10, or 12 beats.
jhampak tal - An obscure 11 beat tal.
jhaptal - A common tal of 10 beats.
jhoomra - See jhumra.
jhumra tal - A tal of 14 beats, used primarily in kheyal.
jod - A style of instrumental music characterized by rhythm but no rhythmic cycle.
jor - An instrumental equivalent of nomtom.
joralap - See jor.
jori - The tabla pair.
jugalbandhi - Duet between two similar instruments or vocalists.
jagadamba tal - An obscure 19 beat tal.
jagajhampa tal - An obscure 15 beat tal.
jagpal tal - An obscure 11 beat tal.
jaltarang - A set of bowls tuned by adding or removing water, hit with small wooden sticks.
jarab - See zarab.
jat tal - An obscure tal, variously considered to be 8, 12, or 16 beats.
jat dipchandi - See dipchandi.
jati - 1) A class of rhythm. 2) The number of notes present in a rag. 3) An ancient modal form of singing.
jayamangal tal - An obscure tal which some consider 13 beats while others consider 14 beats.
jhala - The fast rhythmic style of instrumental music characterized by a constant plucking of drone strings (chikari).
jhampa tal - An obscure tal variously considered to be 6, 7, 8, 10, or 12 beats.
jhampak tal - An obscure 11 beat tal.
jhaptal - A common tal of 10 beats.
jhoomra - See jhumra.
jhumra tal - A tal of 14 beats, used primarily in kheyal.
jod - A style of instrumental music characterized by rhythm but no rhythmic cycle.
jor - An instrumental equivalent of nomtom.
joralap - See jor.
jori - The tabla pair.
jugalbandhi - Duet between two similar instruments or vocalists.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS "I" - An Indian Art.
Prashanth | 5:20 PM |
General Info
ikawai tal - An obscure tal of 16 beats.
iktali - An obscure tal of 11 beats.
indra tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
indralin tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 11 beats.
indranil tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 17 beats.
indri - The cloth and fiber ring cushions upon which the tabla rests.
indwi - See indri.
ikawai tal - An obscure tal of 16 beats.
iktali - An obscure tal of 11 beats.
indra tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
indralin tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 11 beats.
indranil tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 17 beats.
indri - The cloth and fiber ring cushions upon which the tabla rests.
indwi - See indri.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS "H" - An Indian Art.
Prashanth | 5:19 PM |
General Info
hamsalol tal - An obscure tal of five beats.
hanuman tal - An obscure tal of 22 beats.
harmonium - A small hand-pumped reed-organ.
hathodi - The small hammer used to tune the tabla.
hemavati tal - An obscure tal of 21 beats.
himangshu tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
hinch - A popular four beat folk tal of Gujarat.
hindustani sangeet - North Indian classical music.
hamsalol tal - An obscure tal of five beats.
hanuman tal - An obscure tal of 22 beats.
harmonium - A small hand-pumped reed-organ.
hathodi - The small hammer used to tune the tabla.
hemavati tal - An obscure tal of 21 beats.
himangshu tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
hinch - A popular four beat folk tal of Gujarat.
hindustani sangeet - North Indian classical music.
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